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Picture of amazon forest in Para Brazil, devastated by illegal mining _____ Photo: Marcos Amend/Greenpeace
In the social scope, the main impact factors on the phenomenon under study are inferred from the impacts present in the other dimensions of the PESTLE model and the characteristics necessary for the actors that make up the phenomenon. In this way, the following aspects stand out:
• Typical social profile;
• Geographic location.
The actors involved in the phenomenon of money laundering are grouped into two primary groups, those who commit money laundering – bad people – and those who fight this phenomenon – good people. Within the group that commits the crime of money laundering, we can create a new grouping, those who are directly interested – the main actors – and those who operate in the system as supporting actors, providing the conditions for the phenomenon to occur. In the group that combats the phenomenon, we can subdivide it into two subgroups: those that are effectively in the system – the executive agents who are where the operations effectively take place – and those that monitor the executive agents – called supervisors. Figure 1 represents the grouping proposed by this report of the actors that make up the phenomenon under study. The main personalities of the leading actor's group are: Public agents, big companies, and criminal organizations. The group of supporting actors are: Specialized intermediaries, shell companies, and the intermediary.